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Meet WPCA’s Claire Terblanche

August 2020

During Women’s Month, Western Province Cricket Association will be celebrating our amazing women who work for the organisation in a series of articles across our website and social media pages. In the next of our articles, we meet Claire Terblanche.


Women’s and Girls Framework Head Coach

Tell us how you came to be working at Newlands Cricket Ground?

There was an advert for the Women’s Framework position, after the sudden passing of Cobus Roodt and I applied. Knowing the importance of the team in Cobus’ life, I applied knowing I had an opportunity to keep the team knowing that they are still important in every aspect.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

Seeing players succeed, knowing how much work they put in behind the scenes. When that moment happens and continues happening, it really warms my heart, I feel like a proud mother hen lol!

Many would argue that you have one of the most iconic work venues in South Africa, how do you go about appreciating Newlands Cricket Ground as your office?

Every morning I walk in to work, I stop and take in the mountain, the stadium, the ground, the grass, the air and just everything that surrounds our beautiful venue and I say thank you that I get to have this view and this experience every single day. That my path has brought me to this place that never stops amazing me.

Tell us something that not many people will know about you

I can tell you 2 things, I used to do Ballet and I have a black belt in Judo.

What are some of your most memorable occasions at Newlands?

I always seemed to score runs and have a really good time behind the stumps when I played at Newlands. The best memory is when I played one of my last games at Newlands and my Godson was there to watch me play that day, the first time he got to see his Aunty in action, was one of my last games I played. Attending my first New Year’s Test match after watching it on TV for so many years, I got to share in that experience with my partner, at Newlands and it was AMAZING!