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WPCA call for nominations for Convenor of Selectors
WPCA call for nominations for Convenor of Selectors
September 2021
The purpose of this communication is to call on you as a stakeholder of WPCA to put forward a name/s to be considered as the Convenor of Selectors of the WP Professional Team as well as the WP Senior Women Provincial Team.
Relevant documentation to be downloaded below:
Six Gun Grill WP Professional Team Convenor of Selectors:
Convenor of Selectors for WP Professional Team 080921
Nomination Sheet for Convenor of Selectors for the WP Professional Team
WP Senior Women’s Team Convenor of Selectors:
Convenor of Selectors for WP Senior Women Provincial Team 080921
Nomination Sheet for Convenor of Selectors for the WP Senior Women’s Team